Patients for Teen Counseling

Miami Teen Counseling specializes in teens who may be:

  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge
  • Being easily fatigued
  • Excessively sad, pessimistic, or frequently in a depressed mood
  • Insecure and/or have low self-esteem
  • Saying negative things about themselves
  • Having feelings of inferiority
  • Difficulty concentrating; mind going blank
  • Irritability
  • Spending too much time alone
  • Struggle with anger management
  • Defiant, disrespectful, or argumentative
  • Difficult to control
  • Verbally aggressive or cruel
  • Physically aggressive and fighting
  • Experimenting with drugs or self-destructive behavior
  • Destroying things or property
  • Running away from home
  • Bullied or bullying
  • Sexually promiscuous
  • Overwhelmed with worries, fears, and anxiety
  • Having trouble making and keeping friends
  • Refusing to go to school
  • Having persistent headaches or stomach aches
  • Hyperactive or have a hard time being serious
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Overly reliant on parents
  • Easily manipulated by peers
  • Reckless or who take dangerous risks

Miami Teen Counseling caters toward parents who may be:

  • Always anxious and worried about their teenagers
  • Dreading calls from school
  • Not sure how to discipline their teenagers
  • Feeling sorry for their teenagers
  • Fighting a lot with their teenager
  • Having difficulty controlling their anger towards their teenagers
  • Worried about spoiling their teenager
  • Using corporal punishment or hitting their teenager
  • Feelings as if they are being manipulated by their teenager
  • Confused about conflicting parenting advice
  • Feeling like bad parents
  • Concerned about a deteriorating relationship with their teenager
  • Feeling guilty about how they treat their teenager
  • Having a difficult time understanding their teenager
  • At their wit’s end

Miami Teen Counseling can help. Request a Consultation or contact Miami Teen Counseling or Miguel Brown directly at 786-664-7426. Office hours are flexible (including afternoons and evenings) and all counseling services are offered in English or Spanish. Contact us today!

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