Family Conflict

Family conflict is a normal part of life; especially with teenagers in the house. One of the biggest parts of teenage years is testing boundaries and experimenting with independence; unfortunately, this growth often results in conflict.

Conflict is a normal part of life. Every individual, especially those living in close proximity with others, will have differences and will need to resolve those disagreements. This is one of the most common teenage problems with parents which may lead to ongoing parent teenager conflict.

While family conflict is normal, it can still be uncomfortable. Your teenager is still learning the life skills that they will need for adulthood. Your role as a parent in this process is to make sure that they develop the skills needed to navigate conflict effectively.

Long term problems occur when family conflict is not addressed, is ignored, or is allowed to escalate. Family members may be negatively impacted or even psychologically damaged. In these situations, you may notice…

  • Adolescents may act out by showing increased aggression, defiance and behavioral problems
  • Your teen may experience depressive symptoms, such as feeling lonely or sad, or isolate themselves in their bedroom for long periods of time
  • Teens exposed to parental conflict may experience feelings of anxiety or feel pressure to divide their loyalty between parents

Family conflict does not have to escalate. We can help you, and your teen, develop the skills needed to communicate, compromise, interact effectively; avoiding trauma and aggression and, instead, keeping family conflict a normal life lesson. Remember, you are not alone.

Miami Teen Counseling can help. Request a Consultation or contact Miami Teen Counseling, or Miguel Brown directly, at 786-664-7426. Office hours are flexible (including afternoons and evenings) and all counseling services are offered in English or Spanish. Contact us today!

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